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Meet the minds behind apothecary


Yeil Choi, SEAS 19' is a combined plan student majoring in both mechanical engineering and mathematics. Originally from Philadelphia, his hobbies outside of engineering include skateboarding and writing music. He is an avid Solidworks designer. Contact:yc3433

Christian Puerta

Christian, Columbia University SEAS '19, is originally from San Diego, CA but spent a majority of his youth between Los Angeles, CA and Jalisco, Mexico. During his time at Columbia he concentrated his engineering studies in mechanical design, electromechanical design and mechatronic systems. Christian has enjoyed working on iPothecary tremendously, designing it was a fun and rewarding experiment that allowed him to apply principals from each of these areas of study. On campus, Christian has been involved in different student organizations including Men’s Water Polo and Chicanx Caucus. Christian enjoys spending time outdoors and has spent his past few summers working on his family’s avocado orchards in Mexico, designing electromechanical systems to help with everyday operations while also implementing renewable energy solutions in hopes of going completely green by 2025. Some day, Christian hopes to start an agriculture machinery and equipment company that designs and manufactures green and renewable energy products.


Cory Ye

Cory Ye, SEAS `19 hails from Seattle, Washington. As a combined plan student majoring in both Mechanical Engineering and Physics, he has come from Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington to Columbia University to share the knowledge and skills accumulated during his education. This provides him with the suitable skills and know-how to work on the iPothecary and ensure it’s the best it can be. Specialties include programming, working with numbers and critical thinking.

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Elijah Schultz

Elijah, Columbia University SEAS '19, is originally from Hurricane, WV. During his studies, Elijah has been particularly interested in the interaction between mechanical systems and their electronic/programmatic control systems. As such, he has enjoyed working on iPothecary tremendously, as it has provided him with an opportunity to learn/apply those lessons to a real product. In addition to his studies at Columbia, Elijah has been an active member of Christian Union, and is the outgoing President of Jubilation!, Columbia's Christian a cappella group. His hobbies include soccer, trivia competitions, and spending too much time on Twitter. Elijah is currently looking for work, so if you have need of a fresh mechanical engineering graduate, shoot him an email at, and he'll forward his resumé.

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